Asian Meatballs
Always yummy. I make this a lot.
Creamy buffalo baked chicken
With garlic green beans and mashed potatoes. It was so good, really digging the franks red hot sauce seasoning.
I’m pretty sure this is the coolest gun on World of Warcraft
It even has the sound of “pew pew”
Spaghetti for dinner
Being a stay at home Mom can get pretty mundane. However, I really do enjoy cooking. 😊
First day of pre-k!
I can’t believe he’s actually old enough for school. Tristyn starts pre-k this year and kindergarten next year. Slow down time!
Whenever it’s snowy I get geeky
Add that with a hot cup of coffee and lets get designing and coding! I have visions and they are going to change over time. My site will evolve over time and it’s exciting! Fluffy and Galaxy are settling in nicely. It’s funny, hubby and I talk for years about getting the kids a cat and we finally decide on taking in a rescue we know nothing about (Galaxy) and end up crossing paths with another one the day before (Fluffy). Little did I know we’d be getting TWO cats. As much anxiety I had about having two more mouths to feed and two extra vet bills, those kittens sure…
You don’t belong here.
My son LOVES Garfield. My daughter loves kitty cat everything. Hubby and I have been tossing around the idea of getting a cat while the kids were still young. Molly is 11.5 now and she’s turned gray and she’s really been missing Jonah the past few years and we also thought a cat might be good for her too. So I guess it was no surprise when my husband texts me from work with a “OMG!! Look what we found at work under the saw” She’s weak and tired and young but I think she’ll find a good home here. More to come ..