WoW and other interests intercept
So I joined a guild. Nothing wrong with the guild, at all. Great bunch of people, I’ve almost leveled to 60 again. I’m having a blast. I just have such limited time and due to my ADD, my interests change at a second’s notice. I started to unpack my art studio and I have it 3/4 of the way set up. Naw, maybe half set up. I’m actually hanging my art up for the first time. Never in my 40ish years have I ever hung up something I was proud of. I’m doing it now and it feels good. It’s extremely motivating. I started drawing free-hand again and it’s like I picked up where I left off. I just can’t immerse myself in it because of the endless distractions from the kids. I’m still woodburning.
I am still writing but I had a little mishap with my laptop and a spill so I’m calling around to see what can be done about it. I was there when it happened and the juice got cleaned off immediately, the MacBook works fine, there are a few keys that stick including the spacebar which makes typing impossible. I’m pretty sure a good cleaning is what it needs but I’m not willing or confident enough to pop open a MacBook case after a decade of not doing it. I know there are 100+ screws between me and taking the keyboard out to clean, not to mention a possible glued-in battery. I need help.
We also might have acquired a pet bunny. We have a lot of wild jackrabbits living around our property so it’s not unusual to see them out in the yard. The other night we got home and I see this bunny but the color is slightly different and its ears are bigger and it’s not skittish. It hopped right over to me and smelt my hand. I fed it of course because it came right up to the porch and everything. Seth got it a box and we cut a hole out. I posted to the Nextdoor app to see if anyone was missing a bunny but I had zero response. Here we 3 days later, his home has been slightly upgraded and moved to the area he likes most in the yard, up next to the garage and under the trailer. He gets fresh water, rabbit pellets, and fresh fruits and veggies daily. The kids have named him “Bunny Foo Foo.”

And … now I’ve introduced you to ascension so …. 😉
That’s ok, you keep me BUSY. And I love you for that 😉
Ha! Not sure if that’s a compliment or … something else. 😉
Without you I wouldn’t have the chance or opportunity to geek out on the stuff I love most. So it’s way more than a compliment ☺️
Also … cute bunny… can I haz?
Isn’t he cute? The kids have it so tame. He’ll jump in their laps and sit still while they pet him (or her, not sure what it is) He’s now very well fed and has a box home set up outside. Spoiled bunny. We think he’s pretty special since he’s sort of adopted us.
Those are the best ones the ones that choose you. 😊
I agree. That’s how we acquired the two cats this last year. You can’t say no when the universe puts them in your lap 😉