New Medication – Week 3
I’ve struggled with depression and anxiety my whole life. I’ve been on different medications and I’ve tried some herbal/natural remedies for relief. Some options seemed to work for a while but there were always some really negative effects no matter which one I tried.
I’ve been on a new one now for 3 weeks and it’s taken me until this third week to really sit back and say, wow. I’m really feeling better. I actually feel better.
Changes that I’ve noticed:
- I’m catching my reactions before they are happening. I don’t think that’s ever happened in my life. I’ve always reacted and felt badly afterwards. By catching my reactions before they happen I’m able to control those reactions and make better decisions.
- I’m more mindful of the current situation and I’m listening better. The static in my head is reduced and my focus is starting to improve. I’m more empathetic toward what the people around me need (which isn’t unusual) but I’m able to fix those needs without the stress involved.
- I’m less angry and I find myself smiling a lot more. I’m finding joy in places I didn’t see before. In otherwise previously stressful situations I’m more calm and relaxed.
- I’m drinking more caffeine it seems. I’m not sure if it’s because I’m getting more done and I’m running out of juice or if my creative juices are bubbling over. I’m staying up a lot later at night to purge some of that creativity in my art and projects.
- I’ve been more motivated. I’ve been more excited about finishing up projects and not getting as hung up on the unnecessary stresses.
- I have more patience.
- The noise of the kids doesn’t hit me as hard or irritate me as much.
- I’m balancing out tasks better and I’m not as stressed about getting tasks done especially when I’m behind and overwhelmed.
- I’ve been really mindful about water. My body is reminding me I need to drink more.
- Intrusive thoughts are way way down.
I would say at this point I haven’t noticed anything negative. I’m excited to see where I am a month from now.