Mental Health

Week 4 – New Medication

This week all the senses have deepened. 

1. My patience level is at an all-time high. My youngest is terrible at going on drives and she starts screaming and fussing the minute she’s put in the vehicle. We have been doing test runs with her more and more to get her more used to being in a vehicle again. This quarantine has been rough since we are still under lockdown as a family. Anyway, I wasn’t stressed at all when she started fussing. I didn’t anticipate that she would lose it at all, I just had the positive attitude that she’d get through it and we’d get home. Which we did. 

2. The little things bother me way way less. Goodness. Sometimes I would focus in and fuss on one single issue and base my whole entirety around it. Not anymore. I’m able to sweat the small stuff no problem and it’s not stressful. It’s just what it is. I’ve felt this on such a deeper level this week, so I need to make sure it’s expressed.

3. My deep level for being mindful of the present moment has expanded two fold. It’s way deeper and I’m starting to get so involved in the present moment I’m forgetting to worry about the future. I’m living deep within my present.  

4. My tolerance level has also heightened.

5. I haven’t felt a deep level of sad for a while. That I’d like to note. I have depressive moments but I haven’t felt anything close to that for a few weeks. Even when things are feeling overwhelming.

6. Motivation is still on an upswing. I’ve gotten so so much done.

7. I have not felt angry. Sometimes I get stuck in moods where I’m just in a bad mood. My angry moods. I haven’t had any of those. Sometimes I feel myself getting close to one but I can choose to let it just keep going. I can choose not to accept the bad mood. I can choose to be positive. This is especially helpful when it comes to the times the kids are really acting up and I have a choice to react and be in a bad mood about it, or I can come to come sort of solution that helps everyone and we don’t have to bring that happy vibration down.

All in all, it’s been an upswing. Everything has been moving uphill and it’s been a good turn around.

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