Milestones & planting flowers
I’m still having extreme fatigue from the shot but I’m trying to work thru it and get things done. The kids have been wanting to go for a walk so we did that this afternoon and when we got back I re-potted my Christmas Cactus and got some seedlings planted that were recently germinated. Since it’s still too early to have anything outside yet in Colorado, I got the grow lights set up in the hot tub room and got everything situated in there until it’s nice enough. Also, my daughter is officially potty trained. I can’t believe we are out of the diaper stage, forever! What a week!
Side effects from second COVID shot
Today is my third day post COVID-19 second vaccine shot. I’m mostly out of pain at this point but I’m super tired. My body is bouncing back, like it should and I’m thankful for that. I was scared I’d have complications or other issues with it but I’m getting thru it fine. Not bad for a girl with two auto-immune diseases. I’m trying to pace myself today so I’m not over doing it but the body aches and headache are gone. I’ve gotten caught up on stuff from the past two days where I basically did nothing but take care of my kids. I cooked minimally and I did a…
Well, I did it. Second shot.
I’m already feeling a bit crummy so I’m going to go to bed early tonight.
Great Weekend with the kids
We did a lot this weekend. Family soccer game, bike rides, and fishing! I’m forever reminded that these are their biggest memories and I live to fulfill them with joy and happiness. Being present.
It’s funny because it’s true