War and sickness
War in Ukraine. Russia is invading. This very quickly can turn into WWIII. Putin is cutting off his country making it more similar to North Korea than to any free world. The videos of the innocents get me every time. I can feel their fear and sadness and pain through the TV. It makes my chest so tight and my stomach in knots. I feel helpless watching from this far away.
I’m about over the sickness. My family has been getting sick on and off for months now. We get better and it’s not long, maybe a few days, before we’re back sick with something else. Two weeks ago it was the stomach flu, this week it’s a cough, sore throat, and runny nose. My youngest cried the whole trip to drop my son off at school and she put herself back to bed as soon as we got home.
I come here often to write and I often am distracted away from it. Every night when I get into bed I think, oh I should have blogged that, or I should have posted that picture. I need to be better at getting small tasks done.
I have the same problem. I have so much I want to blog about and not enough time to do it. If only there was a way to quickly write a note on our phones and send it to be published. /sigh
The WordPress app is pretty nice, but yes, I know what you mean. I make a lot of typing errors it seems when I type on the phone with my fingers rather than on the computer with a keyboard.
Yep. I have the app too but it takes that much effort to curate it “properly”. Maybe we should design an app that takes your notes and makes a coherent sounding post for you to choose several options and post.
Oh. As for war? I started following the news headlines and had to stop. It was triggering me something terrible.
I don’t understand it. I don’t understand the mindset of killing innocents. War makes no sense to me, at all. For any reason.
Same here. Absolutely zero sense to me. Just why?