It is what it is
I think I hit a level where everything got too big and I popped. I’m pretty numb to everything and I’ve managed to put on my logical hat and set aside unwelcome emotions. I don’t need anything holding me hostage right now. Mom had her knee replacement surgery on Tuesday and the actual replacement went fine (whew) but she’s been having a lot of complications with the pain meds from having allergic reactions to throwing up to having her oxygen levels tank. She’s been in the hospital for an extra two days now because of it. Does it make me scared for my upcoming replacement? I don’t know, sure, but…
It’s been an eye-opening time
Not only has there been so much going on in the world, but there is a lot going on here at home too. I’ve had a lot of problems medically the past year and I’ve been going through a lot of testing and procedures. It’s been challenging because you can’t take your kids with you to doctor’s appointments anymore with COVID-19 regulations and I really struggle to find babysitting and available appointments in between dropping and picking up Tristyn from school and karate. The kid’s Nana is getting a knee replacement tomorrow (she’s my babysitter) so she’s going to be out for a month or two. So I went in…