
Weight Loss Journey starts today

I’m in a race against time. My hips aren’t expected to last more than 6-8 months because of the progression of my bone disease. I can’t get my hip replacements until I lose 77lbs. So my doctor has put me on a weight loss medication and referred me to a bariatric surgeon. I had to attend a seminar last week as a prerequisite to meeting with the bariatric surgeon and meet with them this Thursday. I’m not nervous at all, I’m actually really looking forward to it. I know it’s going to be a major life change. It’s one I’m willing to do because I have to change not only for me but for my kids too. I have so many people relying on me and I have to be better for them as well as myself.

When I lost 156lbs back in 2012-2013 I remember that I felt GREAT. I felt like I was on top of the world. My thyroid was fixed and showing good numbers, my hormones were back on track and I went off 90% of the medication I was on. It was when I got pregnant that all changed and I started gaining weight again. Having children back to back didn’t help and I would eat horribly due to lack of time. I’ve gotten better over the last few years but I still have lots of changes to make. Life-long changes. I made them before and now I just need to stick to them. I’m not having any more babies so I won’t have that shock to my body again.

The weight loss meds they put me on is liraglutide, a once-a-day injection. It is a glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1) receptor agonist. It works by increasing feelings of being full and decreasing hunger in the brain. This can lead to eating fewer calories and losing weight. I don’t overeat a lot but I do eat more than I should at times and it’s mostly carbs. I don’t have a big sweet tooth but I like my carbs and salt and fats. I had my A1c tested and I am still barely prediabetic (one point into the prediabetic spectrum) so this will also help me regulate my sugars. I just need to make better food choices from here on out. I have read a lot about this medication and I’ve watched numerous video’s on people who are on liraglutide and the most common side effect is nausea and vomiting. I took my first shot this morning and I expected to feel terrible right away. Not only do I feel just fine, but I think the shot gave me energy or the coffee I’m drinking is reacting better to my body. Whatever the case may be, I feel great other than the bone pain. That’s really motivating. I only took half of my dose so it didn’t hit me quite as hard and I may take the full dose tomorrow, we’ll see how the rest of the day goes.

I have a good support system right now and family and friends cheering me on. I have 6-8 months to lose 77lbs before my hips collapse and I’m in a wheelchair. That’s not something I want at all. I want my kids to remember me as being active in their life and I don’t want any more time to go by where I’m slowing down.

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