Medical Emergency with Zahkya last night
I tell you what, I’m about over all this sickness. Last night was completely uneventful when I put Zahkya to bed last night. She wasn’t sick and didn’t even have the sniffles. But she sure woke up in terrible shape around 2 am with the worse barking croup cough. She was crying and coughing and she couldn’t catch her breath so I turned on the light and her lips were blue/purple and she was screaming, “I need air I need air!!” I checked her oxygen levels and they were at 82% so I got the rescue inhaler and gave her two puffs of that, went and woke Seth up and…
Another Trip to urgent care
Poor Tristyn. He was up all night last night coughing again with this crud. I kept him home (again) from school today because he got so little sleep and he feels terrible. A few weeks ago I was in urgent care with him and they gave him steroids and an antibiotic. His sickness seemed to go away during those 10 days of taking the antibiotic but the 11th day all this crud came back, but this time, with a vengeance. So they are going to use a stronger antibiotic this time and more steroids. He’s trying to get some rest in his room right now. I feel so bad for…
How is dieting going?
Let’s be honest. I only have so much self-discipline. I would probably do better if I didn’t have 3 other mouths to feed. Sometimes those mouths want food that isn’t good for me: however, it’s food that I love and I can’t resist. That’s what happened this weekend. I asked my family to help me by keeping said junk food away from me and not to offer it to me. Most of the junk is gone from the house already but I’m a sucker for the Mexican pizzas at Taco Bell and it’s a weakness. The same goes for chips and some other fast food, like Carl’s Jr’s Santa Fe…
Freecodecamp.org curriculum has changed
I visited FreeCodeCamp.org the other day as I do from time to time because I really really miss coding. I noticed that all the work I had done previously was now in a legacy section and a new curriculum was up. I was a little let down at first because I worked really hard the past few years to get through the first part and I was one project away from completing my certificate. I haven’t really worked on anything in the past few years due to lack of time specifically lack of uninterruptible time due to kids and marriage and everything that goes along with maintaining a household. My…
I finally did it and I’m so proud
There was a situation I was in recently where I was constantly surrounded by negativity in the form of constant complaining and in fear of constant anger outbursts. A lot of the time these anger outbursts were directed my way and because of my past traumas and PTSD, I’d react in certain ways when people got angry. They call it the fawn response, where I would be as quiet as possible, try to get out of the way, cower, and make myself as invisible as possible. This has been my default trauma response for nearly my whole life. The times I should have stood up for myself I would blank…
Family camping trip
Last weekend, we went camping in one of our favorite areas west of Loveland. We bought our popup camper just a few days before I discovered I’d be having surgery on my hip. Since it took all summer to recover from hip surgery we had to keep delaying taking the camper out for the first time. I feel like we were waiting until the very last second but I didn’t want to wait until next summer. So we packed up the kids and we were off. I overpacked and brought way too much food, so I’ll know better next time. Still, it was an amazing time, and memories were made.…