Blog,  Geek

100 Days of Code

I really wanted to do the 100DaysOfCode challenge years ago and I never did because the kids were still little and I didn’t think I’d be able to commit to coding every single day. Fast forward to the present time and my thoughts were the same as 2 years ago. Will I really have enough time to code for a minimum of 1 hour a day and document it? You know, there’s never going to be a perfect time. Life is busy, whether you have kids, battling chronic illness, battling chronic pain, battling a rare bone disease, battling chronic fatigue, etc. Struggles are going to happen no matter what in life. It’s how you deal with those struggles that is important. If I have too much on my plate any given day, then that’s how it is and I’ll try to make up for what didn’t get done the day before. Life goes on, time doesn’t stop. I’m learning to give myself grace. I get into the bad habit of waiting until the right time and as I get older, the right time never comes so I might as well do whatever I can now while I’m still able to do it.

I’ve done a lot of work over at FreeCodeCamp the past few days and I’m pretty proud of what all I’ve accomplished. Today I got homebrew reinstalled on my MacBook Pro so that I can start exploring other blogging platforms. I’m hoping to get off WordPress eventually and use another blogging platform because WordPress has been a problem child and it’s not one I’m very happy with. It’s caused my dear friend, Cam, a lot of headaches and since she hosts my site for me I want to make things as easy as possible. Plus I’m ready to try out new things.

A few platforms I’m looking at are Hugo and Pelican. I have my python install all up to date today so as soon as I get a little uninterrupted time I’m going to drive in and install those.

For now, I’m going to go relax. I overdid it in physical therapy today and my body and bones are not happy with me. I have a full day tomorrow too, Zahkya has a dentist appointment first thing in the morning after I drop Tristyn off at school and I’ll be picking Tristyn up early from school to take him to his doctor’s appointment. I think I’m going to hit the hay early tonight because this Mama is tired.

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