I am tired of all this sickness
I spoke too soon yesterday. Tristyn had another rough night with extremely high fevers. At one point I had ice packs on him and made him suck on ice cubes to get his fever down. High fevers, especially those that are 104-105 are just scary. He was shaking and really out of it from being so hot. He’s had 4 doses of his antibiotics now and I’m just hoping that it does its job. I feel so bad for him being sick for so long. He’s been going through bouts of sickness since mid-September. I kept him home again today. He’s not eaten much for days and he’s still not himself.
I feel better in some ways but worse in other ways. I don’t have the body aches as bad but my cough is a lot worse. Maybe it’s the sickness working its way out or something.
I got my #100DaysOfCode done already this morning and I got groceries ordered. I’m working on laundry today and the dishes. It’s never-ending. Just when I think I’m caught up I realize I’m not. Isn’t that the definition of insanity, doing the same thing over and over expecting different results? Ha. I must be in deep.
I’ve been doing terribly on my diet while the kids and I have been sick. I need to get back on the wagon because I have an appointment with my nutritionist this week. Tristyn will be testing for his double brown stripe belt and he also has an awards ceremony on Friday where he will be receiving an award. Lots going on this week.