Blog,  Kids,  Mental Health

I’m not ok.

Everyone hits a moment in life where they are just not ok. It could be for whatever reason, whatever situation, or whatever circumstance.

This week has been extremely challenging and my world has started to turn over and do flips. There are heavy things happening in the background, not of which I want to share. I feel my bubble crumbling and breaking quicker than I can keep up.

My heart is broken and tugged and pulled in so many directions and my heart knows what I have to do. I will do it. That’s not a question. The future is the question. How can I maintain this strength? How can I keep going? I have to dig deep into this one and push on through.

The future is one big question mark. I thought I had it all figured out. Circumstances beyond my control have changed that. Am I angry? You better fucking believe it. The Mother bear in me is roaring uncontrollably. Am I sad? Yes! Do I have time to sit and stew about it? Nope. I have to keep the forward progress and I can’t turn and look behind me. I have to keep moving forward.

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