Blog,  Kids

Back to school

The alarm was set at 6 am this morning and neither of my kids wanted to get up. I was surprised that Zahkya was still sleeping as she’s usually up between 4 am-5 am. Not this morning, however. After I shut the alarm off I turned on the lamp in the bedroom thinking that would wake them up. Nope. I don’t blame them, I was tired too. Tristyn was apprehensive about going to school today because he was up so early but I kept reassuring him that he’d feel differently after seeing his friends and teacher. He said he had a stomach ache right before I dropped him off but I think it was just his nerves. I told him if he still had it after a while to go to the nurse’s office and they would call me and have me come pick him up. Poor kid. Last night he wanted to go to bed an hour earlier than his bedtime so this morning would come faster. He was really really excited to get back to school.

I plan on getting the Christmas tree down today as much as possible. I already got laundry done but I need to vacuum. I got some emails taken care of, I’m so bad at emails sometimes. I heard from my friend Trish which was awesome. I’ve been friends with her since my early FRCC days and I’m so glad we have kept in contact with each other. Hopefully, we can meet up for lunch sometime in the near future.

I completed my book challenge over at Goodreads again this year. I barely made it but I read 25 books this year. I’d really like to read more this next year but it’s just so busy I don’t think I’ll be able to. I set my goal again for 25 books to be read in the year 2023.

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