Winterstorm Warning?
The last week here has been beautiful weather-wise. Clear sunny days, minimal clouds, upper 60’s. My kids have been in summer clothes for the majority of it. I’ve even shut off the heat several times. It’s been nice and spring is starting to poke it’s head out.
So this morning I’m getting text messages from family and friends in the area to start stocking up, snow storm coming. Then I got an AccuWeather notification on my phone about it. The headline read “Worst Colorado snow storm since 1885” talking about how my area is going to get up to 3 feet of snow. I know that 3 feet of snow to just anyone might sound like a lot, and it is, especially all at once. But it’s not that far fetched when you live in Colorado. I can think of 4 different snows in my lifetime that totaled around three feet or so. Has there really not been this big of one in 136 years?

I just don’t know if I believe it, yet. That’s not to say I haven’t prepared or that I’m not prepared. I am. I feel comfortable with what we have if we are snowed in for a few days. I guess I’m more worried about if our little Bunny Foo Foo will be okay and weather the storm. I look forward to the pictures and stories we will tell if it turns out to be the big one.