Kids,  Memories

It got so busy so fast

Having two little kids close in age is a handful in itself. They are busy, they are needy, and it’s a constant buzz of distractions and mundane chores on repeat.

I had no idea what was coming. Tristyn is of Kindergarten age and in our county, he couldn’t start until this year. I thought I was early in getting him registered for school. I’ve learned so much in the past week. After a 4.5-hour online registration process, he is finally enrolled for his Fall 2021 Kindergarten year. Just…not at the school I wanted him to be in. So now we are on a waitlist. I just might be homeschooling again this year if he doesn’t get in.

He also got registered for Martial Arts and has started his first-year journey into that. I sewed his first patches on his Gi and he wore it with pride. He’s working on earning his first white belt. He couldn’t be more excited about it.

He also got registered for Baseball! Whew. It’s already so busy and school hasn’t even started. I still need to get Zahkya into a summertime activity. She really wants to do dance or gymnastics.

What have I learned? They might not be as needy in some ways as they used to be. They are more independent now but their activities are starting to fill the days and the days are becoming busy in new days they weren’t before. I’m having to adjust my time management skills trying to get dinner cooked and served during this time, in time for Seth to get home and before karate starts. This will only get busier as Zahkya grows and gets involved with more sports and activities. I’m looking for the seatbelt to put on.

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