
How is dieting going?

Let’s be honest. I only have so much self-discipline. I would probably do better if I didn’t have 3 other mouths to feed. Sometimes those mouths want food that isn’t good for me: however, it’s food that I love and I can’t resist. That’s what happened this weekend. I asked my family to help me by keeping said junk food away from me and not to offer it to me. Most of the junk is gone from the house already but I’m a sucker for the Mexican pizzas at Taco Bell and it’s a weakness. The same goes for chips and some other fast food, like Carl’s Jr’s Santa Fe chicken sandwich with green chili in it. I’ve said no to that stuff more than I haven’t this last week but I didn’t have the best weekend. So I’m back on the wagon again. It wasn’t a huge fall, but I did get up to 2k calories both days of the weekend.

Gotta pick myself up and do better. Simple as that. I just have to do better. I need to experiment with some of the recipes in the book my doctor gave me. Most don’t sound good and a lot of it has broccoli in it which I hate most of the time but my taste buds are already changing so there is hope I’ll learn how to like certain things.


  • Cam

    Well I thought it was just me … I am finding that some things I used to hate to eat are a lot more palatable lately. I used to hate eggs, now I actually love eggs and ate so much I made myself sick of them. Same with broccoli. It’s like getting older makes our taste buds more mature. 🤭

    • Jenny

      I didn’t use to like my food mixed together either, I’d always eat everything separately and none of it could be touching. I mix everything up now and it’s delicious. I didn’t use to like onion cooked with meat but it’s my favorite thing now. Getting older is funny.

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