
It’s been a busy few days and I’m sick, again.

Saturday we went to my Mother-in-law’s house to celebrate Seth’s birthday. Then on Sunday, we went to my Mom’s house to have Thanksgiving with her and Larry.

I got my hematologist appointment made. It’s at the cancer center in the hospital. That was an unnerving text message to get, saying I’d been referred to the cancer center. The hematologists here are also oncologists. It’s going to be heavy walking in there. Being as empathetic as I am I tend to absorb the emotions and the energies around me. I’m guessing I’ll have to have iron infusions since my iron is so critically low and I’m severely anemic. This has been an ongoing issue in my life, almost all my life. I’m still waiting on endocrinology to call me and make an appointment. I need to get these issues fixed, and fast.

I had to go to urgent care this morning. I had a 104 fever last night and I have sores in the back of my throat. I thought for sure I had strep throat, and I would have put money on it but the test came back negative for strep, covid, flu, and RSV. It’s just a really bad cold, and with my immunity, it’s hitting me really hard. No over-the-counter stuff for me, I’m already on too many meds that would have too many side effects if I added anything else. So in the meantime, I just need to tough it out and hope I get better sooner than later. With us going to Drake for Thanksgiving and Tristyn’s party on Saturday, not much rest is going to be had. Plus I still have to Mom. I was talking to another Mom friend of mine and we decided that a vacation would include hiring a housekeeper, a nanny, and a chef for a week. Let me tell you, that would be paradise.

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