Mom life is a hard life
I woke up yesterday with a lot of sinus pressure and a nagging throbbing in my right temple. That’s where all my headaches are, the same place every time. To compound that, I had a really stiff neck too. I knew I had a giant day ahead of me so I tried to ignore the headache and got the kids around and took Tristyn to school.
When I got home I prepped the carrots, celery, potatoes, mushrooms, and beef stew meat and got it all in the crock pot to cook on low for 8 hours so I could have dinner for us when the time came. My headache continued to get worse.
I left the house around 10:45 to take Zahkya to the doctor. It was a follow-up visit for her ear infection, food poisoning, and E. coli infection. I also talked to the doctor about her eating habits and how she won’t try new foods and her sensory issues when it came to her mouth. Her doctor referred her to feeding therapy and ordered more blood work (as required by the health department because of the strain of E. Coli she had) so after the doctor’s appointment, I headed over to the hospital. My headache had turned into a migraine on the way and I really started feeling queasy. I ended up throwing up in the hospital parking lot on my way in to get Zahkya’s lab work done. She did awesome getting her blood drawn this time. Last week it took me, Nana, and a really nice nurse, Ashley to hold her down while they drew blood. This time it just took me holding Zahkya’s hand and nurse Ashley holding her arm so she didn’t move and she didn’t even cry this time. I was so proud of her. After we left the hospital we came home and I had about an hour before I had to go get Tristyn so I made Zahkya lunch and I laid down with a cold rag on my head. Right before we left to get Tristyn out of school I threw up in the bathroom.
We left around 2:15 and got Tristyn out of school at 2:30 for his therapy appointment. Nana was too sick to take care of Zahkya so I had to bring her along to his appointment. His therapist, Miss Hannah, is the best. She included Zahkya in therapy and worked with Tristyn a lot on being able to talk about feelings. I had to excuse myself in the middle of therapy and ran down to the bathroom to throw up again. I was shaking at this point. We finished therapy, drove home and I served up dinner. I didn’t dare eat. My migraine was screaming by this time. I put half the beef stew in a corning ware dish and took it over to Mom and Larry’s house and left it on their bench because both of them have been so sick. I came home and went straight to bed. I threw up one more time before I put Zahkya down and went to sleep myself. I didn’t sleep well at all last night. My migraine continued throughout the night and into this morning.
Being sick sucks. Being sick and having responsibilities sucks even more because as a Mom you can’t just stop being a Mom. I don’t have a village so I’m it and I there are responsibilities I have to perform whether I’m sick or not because I’m the default parent. It’s hard being the default parent, the default homemaker, and the default cleaner of messes. I had a huge mess to clean up this morning after I went to bed early and didn’t get it cleaned last night.
I have a playdate planned today for Zahkya and I can’t cancel it. I just have to get through it. I really really want to sleep, all day if I could.