Working for what you want
I got a phone call yesterday from my bariatric office. I’m scheduled for surgery at the end of February. I can’t believe the time is finally here. I’ve been anticipating this so much and looking so forward to it. I’ve cut back on my coffee and come February 1st I’ll quit caffeine altogether. I guess the caffeine eats through the staples so I can’t have any caffeine before or directly after the surgery until I’m all healed up. I can do that. I need to start getting in the habit of logging my food however, I started and then blamed being too busy as a reason why I stopped. I can’t have excuses for this. None. So I need to start logging food again. There are a few more steps and procedures I have to get done too before surgery. One is a fecal test where they will be testing for h-pylori. They don’t want to be cutting my stomach with bacteria in it. The other thing I have to get done is a mammogram. That’s it. That’s all I have left to do. I called my primary doctor already and got the mammogram ordered. I just have to go over to the hospital and pick up my kit for the fecal test. Easy peasy.
I don’t have any appointments today so it’s going to be a housework day. I have a ton of laundry to get done but I only have enough detergent for one load so I’m either going to have to order some and get it here today or concentrate on that one load. I took Tristyn to get his hair cut yesterday and the haircut lady tried some new detangler in Zahkya’s hair that worked like magic. I told her I wanted to order some so she’s going to let me know when it comes in. I secretly keep hoping that Tristyn wants to grow his hair out again but he likes it short. He’s a good-looking dude so his hair is his choice.