My Molly is gone
Molly wasn’t eating her food like usual and was sleeping. She was sleeping a lot.
I decided to take her to the vet. The vet took X-rays and bloodwork.
Fluid was building up around her heart and lungs, probably due to some sort of cancer the vet said. Her liver enzymes were 6 times higher than normal. It was a Friday when this happened. Friday morning.
I asked the question I knew I needed to ask. Is this the end?
Yes, the vet replied. This is the end.
I said, let’s schedule the appointment for Monday. I needed to have the weekend with her. I needed enough time to say goodbye.
The vet looked at me and stared silently with that pleading look in her eye. She told me Molly most likely wouldn’t make it through the weekend and she would likely suffer as the fluid in her chest built up.
My body was heavy in grief, and through tears and a tear-induced migraine, I signed the papers to have her put down 3 hours from that moment. I only had three hours to say goodbye.
Now I’m lost. Without my Molly and I don’t know what to do about it.