Things that annoy me
There are several things that have really annoyed me lately.
When I say to someone, I’ve been up early and running non-stop today, and have them say, me too. For one, I know that I’ve done about a zillion more things than they have, I know that they went out to casual lunch, I know that they have taken a nap and I know they have only walked less than half a mile. Sure, maybe it was a busy day, for THEM but damn, don’t compare that to my day when I’ve done 10,000 more things and never got to sit down once. It’s not the same. Don’t compare. Napping isn’t running non-stop, so stop. Just stop.
School zones. I’ve figured out a way to get my kid to school without passing through one single school zone (other than his school zone). I am a rule follower. There are speed limits in front and around schools for a reason. I would say, 80% of people don’t follow it and don’t pay any sort of consequence and speed through those school zones without batting an eye. Here I am doing the 20 mph that I’m supposed to be doing and I have these mother fuckers flipping ME off and honking at me like I’m the one in the wrong. I hate school zones. I hate that people don’t follow the rules when in them so I avoid them now like the plague.
Adults that don’t know how to adult. I have several of these in my life. I’ve been responsible and able to take care of myself since I was 18 years old. I’ve cooked my own meals, done my own laundry, and paid my own bills. I took care of my responsibilities like an adult should. So when I see adults who don’t know how to be an adult and act more like a teenager it infuriates me. From staying up all night to not being able to feed themself to asking everyone else to do everything for them. To be completely dependent on their partner for basic needs. Even though they are capable they CHOOSE to be dependant. Daily the choice is made to not even do the bare minimum and rely on everyone else to keep everything running smoothly. I lose a lot of respect for that.
Those are the top three I can think of for now. I have more big news but I’ll write about that tomorrow with a happier blog post.