• Blog,  Kids

    Back to school

    The alarm was set at 6 am this morning and neither of my kids wanted to get up. I was surprised that Zahkya was still sleeping as she’s usually up between 4 am-5 am. Not this morning, however. After I shut the alarm off I turned on the lamp in the bedroom thinking that would wake them up. Nope. I don’t blame them, I was tired too. Tristyn was apprehensive about going to school today because he was up so early but I kept reassuring him that he’d feel differently after seeing his friends and teacher. He said he had a stomach ache right before I dropped him off but…

  • Health,  Kids

    Well the nightmare has happened

    I woke up bright and early, as usual, thank you Zahkya, and I had everything ready for school yesterday. The kids were dressed, Tristyn’s snack was packed, his water bottle was clipped to his bag and ready to go. Then my husband reminded me it was late-start-Monday. Every Monday they start school an hour later to help the teachers get ready for the week. So, that’s awesome. Time to destress about getting to school .. I had an entire hour and everything was ready! Wrong. It wasn’t even 18 minutes later I got a text message from the school: Dear students in Mrs. G’s kindergarten class. We have recieved notification…

  • Kids

    Every day is the best day

    We are in our second week of school and our first full week for Tristyn. We are all trying to find a routine and I’m trying to fit all my household responsibilities in between everything. I ended up being a total wreck the whole first day of school. I think all my stress and worry dissipated when I picked Tristyn up and when I asked him how school was he responded “This was the best day of my life!” He had two more “best day of my life” days last week, each day would be better than the last in his opinion. Then he had a rough day. He made…

  • Blog,  Kids

    School starts soon

    Not only does school start soon but Tristyn got accepted into the school I wanted for him. I can’t believe we actually got in! I cried the day we got the acceptance letter. I cry a lot at these little milestones it seems. Now he can start school with his best friend and he’s excited about that. I’m excited for him. It’s going to be a super busy time for my little guy. He’ll have school 5 days a week, karate twice a week and baseball is still going for the next two weeks. I think that Zahkya is going to be lost without her brother at home and I’m…

  • Kids,  Memories

    It got so busy so fast

    Having two little kids close in age is a handful in itself. They are busy, they are needy, and it’s a constant buzz of distractions and mundane chores on repeat. I had no idea what was coming. Tristyn is of Kindergarten age and in our county, he couldn’t start until this year. I thought I was early in getting him registered for school. I’ve learned so much in the past week. After a 4.5-hour online registration process, he is finally enrolled for his Fall 2021 Kindergarten year. Just…not at the school I wanted him to be in. So now we are on a waitlist. I just might be homeschooling again…